BioTryp Therapeutics

Breaking down bacterial defences

80% of bacterial infections are caused by biofilms.

Bacteria form biofilms as a protective wall against the immune system and antibiotics. Within biofilms, bacteria thrive, meaning that the infection worsens and antibiotic treatments fail.


Bacterial Communities

  • Antibiotics struggle to penetrate the biofilm wall,

  • Leading to treatment failure and repeated infections.

Our Technology

BioTryp have developed a class of small molecules which inhibit biofilm formation, nipping an infection in the bud.

By targeting bacteria’s key defence mechanism, BioTryp’s technology has the potential to revolutionise how we treat infection, providing a much needed alternative to traditional antibiotic treatments.


Keeping Bacteria Apart

  • Not an antibiotic - Does not drive antibiotic resistance.

  • Add-on therapy: Help Antibiotics do their job and clear the infection.

  • Antibiotic agnostic: Not restricted to combining with a specific antibiotic.

Our first indication is Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are the most common bacterial infection and the leading cause of bloodstream infections. Affecting 1 in 2 women and 1 in 10 men, UTIs are responsible for 17% of all hospital-acquired bloodstream infections.

At present, the only treatment option is antibiotics, where current front-line antibiotics are failing due to increasing widespread resistance. BioTryp’s disruptive technology targets bacterial biofilms forming on the bladder wall and urinary catheters, presenting a step-change in how we treat UTIs.

Our Team

Dr Ashraf Zarkan



Dr David Summers

Scientific Director


Dr Jehangir Cama

Commercial Director


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